A review by vulpes_vulpes
Eat the Sky, Drink the Ocean by Margo Lanagan, Mandy Ord, Vandana Singh, Lily Mae Martin, Annie Zaidi, Payal Dhar, Alyssa Brugman, Justine Larbalestier, Kate Constable, Manjula Padmanabhan, Nicki Greenberg, Anita Roy, Penni Russon, Kuzhali Manicakavel, Kirsty Murray, Samhita Arni, Amruta Patil, Priya Kuriyan, Isobelle Carmody


Some of these stories made me cry my eyes out, others were predictable and didn't necessarily add anything new to the usual beats, fortunately most of the stories were the former. The art was beautiful and interesting, overall I really enjoyed this collection. Perfect for quick reads