A review by jaimeedarling
More Than This by Jay McLean


I honestly don't know what to say.
I just hate this author's writing style.
The characters have the sexual maturity of college students, but the mental maturity of fifth graders getting into their first 'real' relationship.

Spoilers ahead, babes...

I get the girl has issues, but she can't claim this guy as hers, get mad if he gives anyone else attention, and say they're still not in a relationship.
Girl... you're in a relationship.
You can call it whatever you want, but 'nothing' isn't an option.

And oh my gosh, are we supposed to feel bad about the cheating ex-boyfriend? THAT WANTED TO MARRY HER OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL?
You obviously didn't love her that much, or you wouldn't have cheated on her for TWO FULL YEARS with her BEST FRIEND.

On another note, can we talk about how screwy the plot is?
In the space of a day, this girl discovers her cheating boyfriend and best friend, makes a giant group of new friends, and her family is murdered???
In one day?
It's called pacing yourself, Miss. McLean.
She rushed so many parts (like the disastrous beginning), and then had weird time cuts like... oh 6 six months later. Nothing has changed, we're just in college now. Like... what?
And then the original best friend just goes off the deep end. Like... SHE'S the reason her whole family is dead?? I thought it was just a really dumb plot twist that everyone kind of saw coming. And she had like, no character development. Probably because she was the moving plot point at the beginning and then completely ignored until the last 10 pages of the book.

On a completely unrelated note, can I just say? Parents don't act/talk like this.
"They're adults, they know what they're doing", like, I get they're 18 and seniors in high school, but actual parents would still parent the shit out of their kids, lol.

I'll probably give the next book in the series a chance, simply because the characters will be older and hopefully less childish, but I don't have much hope for this author to redeem herself in my eyes. The plot seemed cutesy enough at first, but I can't get over how poorly written the whole book is.