A review by covall
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn


I'm not sure what to write about this book yet and I think I need to decide later on the number of stars. This book wasd extremely interesting and I wanted to strangle the characters throughout the story. The lead characters are completely flawed and you love them and hate them at the same time.

Ok, I trulydid love this book. There was a lot in this bookwhere you related to both characters on a fundamental level. While we may not have liked one person in the book, we understood that person (as screwed up as they are). I think I was hoping for a happier ending and didn't get it, but that doesn't take away from the book's fantastic status in my opinion.

I'm trying to word this carefully because I don't want to have spoilers in my review of this book because there were portions of this book that surprised the crap out of me in a good way. I would honestly love to see a sequel for this book and will be looking at other books that this author wrote because it was so well written and fun. I hope everyone else enjoys this as much as I have.