A review by bfdbookblog
Always Been You by Jess Buffett


overall, i liked this story. there were good and bad pieces to it though.

i love friends to lovers and i love second chance romances. this had both. what i don't love is the second chance having to happen because of misunderstandings, miscommunication and partially because of malicious acts of others. i also thought their reunion was a bit rushed. there was a lot of hurt and 11 years to build up that hurt and yet it seemed they forgave each other overnight, which is another piece i had a hard time with because of the children involved.

seth was bullied in high school because he was 'out' (although it seemed more like people just assumed he was gay and he just never denied it instead of making a bold claim). jared seemed to protect him when he could but never knew the full extent of the damage being done or the reasons for it.

seth and jared seemed to be a perfect pair with complimenting personalities and i would have liked to see more of their relationship develop at a slower pace upon reuniting. they both had supportive parents and some good friends.

there were a couple of pretty outstanding characters in the book - namely skye and possibly brandon, holly and isaac but i don't think we got enough of them to fully appreciate them.

the suspense piece of it was a little predictable but not terrible.