A review by jamiesbookaddiction
Dark Horse by Kate Sherwood


ugh...I'm not sure how to rate this book. This was a tough one for me to get through. I absolutely hated the writing style. I would've DNF'd it right away except I needed to read this one for a challenge, so I plowed through.

There were good parts don't get me wrong. I cried in a couple of parts because I'm not heartless. But I have to say, I found Dan to be a really whiny, dramatic person. Sure, he's had a tough time. He's lost his boyfriend and he's struggling...I get it. But he's a hot mess the whole book. THE WHOLE BOOK!!!! And the only POV we get is Dan's which makes it all that worse.

I'm not sure if I'm going to continue or not with this series. Do I torture myself to find out what happens? (because this one just abruptly ends) Or do I cut my losses and not worry about it, because if I'm being honest, I will probably forget about Dan, Jeff, and Evan before I even open my next book.