A review by nashwa017
Lady Chatterley's Lover by D.H. Lawrence


I've been intrigued by Lady Chatterley's Lover for a while now. Every now and then, I see a reference to it in pop culture and think to myself that I should really get to it one of these days. Well, I did.

I read it as a combination of an audiobook and the physical book, and the audiobook definitely made it easier to understand Mellors's Derbyshire dialect.

It's hailed as an erotic classic with a lot of explicit content, and while the content is there, I neither found it particularly exciting nor did I find it entertaining. While there is a lot of sex in it, after a while it gets a little tiresome to read about. The characters were very well portrayed though, and I liked the male characters of Clifford, Sir Malcolm and Mellors to be more interesting than Connie's. As a protagonist, she was very hard to like.

What I actually enjoyed about this book were the discussions on the difference between the classes, the rich vs the poor dichotomy, the portrayal of immediate satisfaction from lust in comparison with the joy of long-lasting love. The book ended really well and I thought it was a pretty realistic ending for a story like this.

If you're sensitive to language, the F and C words are liberally used so just know that before going in. The book also has racist and homophobic content in case you are sensitive to that.