A review by amyiw
Born of Fire by Sherrilyn Kenyon


Adding the partially done review-

I'm 32% done with Born of Fire: She makes it impossible to like the heroine Shahara. She is a mix bag of contradictions, moralist, self-righteous, judgmental, and betrayal. I keep hoping she'll just die but know that is not possible. Syn is great but I just don't see the turn around for me. How can anyone trust this untrustworthy (proven) woman. She whines about being betrayed by "everyone", what about the siblings? Duh. I hate her. Love Syn.

This is what I wrote about Shahara while reading it and getting madder and madder.
Reasons to Hate Shahara-
-whines about not being able to trust anyone because everyone betrayed her (father, boyfriend) what about the siblings she adores and helps support? The ones that all love and trust Syn.
-hates convicts and has a obsessive desire to see them all back to prision never questioning if they were convicted falsely. No all convicts are criminals and have no possibility of having been convicted wrongly.
-Syn is a convict, said to be merciless, rapistist, killer. Yet all of his actions show otherwise. She breaks into his house and he restains her with little force. He doesn't rape her even when she is put into a compromising position with her. He doesn't even hurt her. What does he do? He let's her go with only a promise to not continue to hunt him.
-Syn is supposed to be this increadible tracker (apprehending criminals) yet she continually get bested by Syn even when she has the jump on him. Several times this happens and she doesn't get that she is out of her league, way way out of her league. I don't see the great tracker by her continual under judgment.
-Syn is so moralist on principles yet goes back on her word, her sworn oath. Then she takes on breaking Syn out of lock up under false pretenses, false orders, and under false circumstances, once again agreeing to betray Syn.
-Syn has shown no reason to lie and finally gives her the explaination about the chip yet she believes the men that were abusing prisoners and had her go against all her morals. She doesn't see that the men who hired her will kill her or make her a criminal just as Syn is now. All the proof of Syn not lying and not being the criminal he is painted is in her face, yet... she still plans to betray him, oh, for her siblings, the ones who love Syn, whom Syn has supported financially secretly with out ever asking for anything for years.

It didn't get better.

Shahara keeps making stupid choices and putting them in danger. She has no idea what she is doing. Some great tracer, Seax or whatever. She is a horrible fighter one moment and then suddenly the greatest. How ridiculous.

Syn stars great but then his introspection and wish-washiness just makes me not care anymore.

This book is half, introspection and questioning one's self and each other's actions. This made it drag and being such a poor story line made it not worth reading. It is not necessary for the next books so just skip it.