A review by alextweetsbooks
A Soldier's Wish by N.R. Walker


*I received a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review*

This was my first book by the author, and even though I have pretty much only heard good things, I had no idea what to expect from the book. I must admit that I don’t know much about Vietnam war, but the book was breaking my heart.

The two guys meet in a diner, accidentally, and Gary decided to invite Richard to go with them to Woodstock since they have a ticket left. Richard, for the first time in his life probably, does something impulsive. After all, he has three days before he goes to war, right? The connection made between Gary and Richard in those three free days, days of love, of peace, of drugs…It was amazing, and knowing that Richard was going to war was breaking my heart. We all know no one gets from the war the same.

The second part of the book is told in letters. Gary and Richard send letters to each other, to the other side of the globe. It’s increasingly heartbreaking to read Richard’s war stories.

In the third part, the guys are reunited. Richard returns to live a normal life, or as close to it as he can – he cannot be the same guy he was before the war, and neither is Gary. Nor the world. Unlike other wars, this one was not popular, and the public is against the veterans.

And the last part, that was heartbreaking and surprising. To avoid going to war – chosen by the birthday numbers, and Gary’s comes up – the guys decide to do a drastic thing. But besides that, they both find ways to help veterans, especially Richard, as he knew what they experience and the consequences, physical and mental.

All I can say is that the book is amazing, and that it breaks your heart, but it is also extremely realistic and well written – it transports you to the era and the feelings both of the situation at ‘home’ and the situation in Vietnam.