A review by kbranfield
Glory Road by Lauren K. Denton


4.5 stars.

Glory Road by Lauren K. Denton is a captivating, multi-generational novel set in rural Alabama.

Ten years ago, Jessie McBride moved home with her now fourteen year old daughter Evan after discovering her husband's infidelities.  She purchased the property next door to her mother, Gus, and together, they run Twig, a nursery they are struggling to keep solvent. An unexpected opportunity falls into Jessie's lap when wealthy golf course designer, Sumner Tate, asks her provide the flowers for his daughter's upcoming wedding. At first reluctant to step back into the high society she left after her divorce, she decides to take the plunge with Gus's encouragement. Jessie is also somewhat surprised when Sumner takes a personal interest in her. She is at a bit of a romantic crossroads since Ben Bradley, her high school friend and one time crush, has recently returned to town. Other changes are coming her way as Evan transitions into high school and Gus faces a frightening diagnosis.

Jessie is quite content with her life and she is uneasy with change. She works six days a week and spends the majority of her time with Gus and Evan.  Having risked her heart once before, Jessie sees no reason to change the status quo. Although uneasy about Sumner's wealthy lifestyle, she finds him quite charming and easy to be with. Although their dates are low-key and casual, Jessie remains uncertain about a future with him. Especially since Ben is back in town and she is reminded of how deeply she felt for him before they went their separate ways.  She is also conflicted due to Ben's situation with his teenage son Nick's mother. Will Jessie allow herself to take a chance at happiness? Or will her fear of getting her heart broken again prevent her from becoming romantically involved?

Gus is an eclectic and spunky woman who is also quite wise. She is not afraid to speak her mind when she thinks her daughter and granddaughter need her (unsolicited) advice. She is keeping a life-altering secret since she does not want to alarm Jessie or Evan. However, once she can no longer keep the truth from them, Gus remains tightly in control of her future.  No one is more surprised than Gus when her life takes a romantic turn. But will her fears of becoming a burden prevent her from accepting this wonderful yet unanticipated opportunity for love?

Evan is also moving on to the next phase of her life as she transitions into high school. She is also experiencing her first crush. Despite these changes, Evan remains happy to spend time with her mom and grandmother. The three women are quite close but will Evan begin to pull away as she grows and matures?

Glory Road is a heartwarming novel of love, healing and new beginnings. Jessie's story arc is the most compelling as she tries to find the courage to step out of her comfort zone.  She is also afraid to face the fears that have left her unable to overcome the heartbreak in her past. Evan is a delightful young woman who is excited about the next stage in her life. Gus accepts her diagnosis with dignity and grace and she has definite ideas about how to handle her situation. Lauren K. Denton brings the novel to a uplifting, hopeful conclusion as Jessie, Evan and Gus welcome the possibilities that lie before them. An absolutely marvelous novel that I highly recommend to readers of the genre.