A review by beckyrendon
I'll Make You Mine by Gia Riley


Her bio says " GIA RILEY writes because if she doesn’t, she’ll go crazy." That is a lie- direct quote from Maury Povich.

Gia Riley writes so she can maintain her place at Satan's Tea time. She laughs at your tears and plots the destruction of your feeble unsuspecting heart.

Perhaps, I came on a bit strong, you say. Ha! Clearly you haven't read I'll Make You Mine. Btw, Dylan is MINE. He got over Zoe and he and I live happily ever after the end- just ask Gia. Or don't she will just lie and tell you "that's not what happens."

No, she will say...she wrote the book because Zoe would not stop rambling at her no matter what. And Dylan, sweet Dylan, was catering to Zoe and helping her drive Gia nuts. It's probably true. Zo is a weirdo, but the quirky kind you can't help but love. Or perhaps because she reminds me of me...(Don't snort, we both know I'm irresistible.)

So quirky girl and her best friend who has been eternally friend zoned but forever wanting more...(I saw you sit up straight.) She's clueless of his wants. He clueless how to tell her. (Just one click, I saw you scroll back to the link. You will not regret it.)

It's a perfect mess of awkward, sweet, and shake the shit out of the clueless. Oh and let's not even talk about the blurry eyed, squint I have going on typing this. We won't mention the fact that Gia Riley had me in tears and calling her an evil cow. Nope, I will keep that to myself...besides she just laughs at your misery. In case you feel like sharing, you have been warned. (Perhaps, she would say she was laughing at the evil cow and I hate you comments. But really I think it was the tears.)

Ok, all teasing aside...well most, it is a great story. It's chock full of feels. Everything from awww to WTF you say to her...So from gushing granny sighs to combative wannabe gangstas. Trust me she will have you up in grills and pulling out the Ben and Jerry's with the emotions on this one. This roller coaster only has one way it can go and you won't want to miss the ride.

reviewed for Sweet Spot Sisterhood