A review by corrompido
The Wettest County in the World: A Novel Based on a True Story by Matt Bondurant


I liked the main story of this book. The main story follows three brothers who are bootleggers and general shady characters in the early 1900s. They grew up as poor farmers in a region that became known for moonshine production during prohibition, and soon became involved themselves. Some of the more interesting pars of the book came from seeing how the three brothers were each differently suited (or unsuited in some cases,) to such a life.

However, the book really fell apart where it tried to skip back and forth to a story taking place ~5 years ahead of the other one. In the second story a journalist was trying to find information about the bootleggers of the area and having trouble figuring out what actually happened. The problem is that the second story added almost nothing to the original or the overall book. Those pages could have been much better spent developing the brother characters (who suffer from shallow characterization for much of the book.)