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A review by lordenglishssbm
The Ascent to Godhood by Neon Yang


A weird series. It's really just a collection of fairly standard action/thriller stories, but ones that either aspire to a kind of complexity that the pace doesn't allow it to achieve or elaborate on morality that's too simple and straightforward to be worth discussing in-depth. Yang by and large ditches their moralizing aspects in this last story, which I think is part of the reason why it's the strongest one. It's just quick, nasty and kind of fun, even if the first-person narration didn't do too much for me. A bit of an anticlimactic end to the series, but honestly I'm happy it went out on a high note.

The previous entry started out promising, with an attempted cover-up disintegrating due to a confluence of hubris, incompetence, conflicting goals and pride, but rather than lean into the chaos Yang chose to turn it into a fairly standard political thriller.