A review by book_concierge
The Dark Days of Hamburger Halpin by Josh Berk


Digital audiobook performed by Jim Meskimen

This is a humorous coming-of-age story with a bit of a mystery thrown in and featuring an unlikely hero. Will Halpin is deaf, overweight and struggling to make friends in his new school. He's left the safety of "deaf school" and chosen to mainstream at the local public high school, but the teachers can't (or won't) get the hang of always facing him so he can read lips. He is a skilled observer, however, and he jots his notes on his fellow students and teachers in a notebook. His one friend is the uber-dork Devon Smiley, and when the school's quarterback (and all-around jerk) "falls" down a mine shaft on a school field trip, they channel the Hardy Boys to investigate.

I’m glad to see a book that features a main character with a disability, who finds ways to deal effectively in a world that doesn’t always made accommodations for him. Will (and Devon) also have to deal with the usual drama of high school – bullies, the “in” crowd vs the nerds, teachers who don’t really care, unrequited love, and the universally hated showers after gym class.

It's a fast read, and I loved Will & Devon's humor.

Jim Meskimen does a fine job of narrating the audio version. He set a good pace and I was quickly caught up in the story line.