A review by rainmisoa
Corduroy Lost and Found by B.G. Hennessy


This is one of the children's books that I read for We Give Books, A Pearson Foundation Initiative to help children all around the world obtain books. It's an organization that gathers many campaigns in one spot on the web to encourage people to read many books for children. With every book you read, one gets donated to the campaign you signed up for. (There's quite a few campaigns available.) A very good friend of mine, Nicole Terazue, recommended this site to me since she knew I loved reading books! (Thanks love!) The campaign I chose to be a part of is called Jumpstart for Young Children. Every book that I read associated with We Give Books gets donated to Jumpstart for Young Children so that less fortunate kids in pre-schools all over America will be able to have more books to read from and learn. It's a fabulous project and I urge all readers, especially parents with young children, to join and help other children less fortunate than our own to read and spread the word of We Give Books. It will benefit children everywhere.

On to the review! I want to start off by saying I love Corduroy. I LOVE HIM! I did ever since I was a child in elementary school. I remember when I used to go to the library every Friday afternoon and sit in a circle with the rest of the kids. We sat there and read out loud from our favorite books. The one I chose? Corduroy Lost and Found. I cannot tell you how many times I read this book and all the other Corduroy books ever created. They must be in the hundreds, I'm not even kidding. These books are monumental for children of all ages. (Though the recommended age range is between 0-3... however, it's seems to be a bit more advance for children of those ages... NOTHING A PARENT'S HELP CAN'T REMEDY!!!)

Corduroy is a very wonderful, caring, well-loving bear that children can learn from. In this particular book, Corduroy is feeling a bit distressed because he didn't a present for Lisa's birthday. (Lisa is his owner.) He wants to get her a gift so he sets off on an adventure. The way Corduroy worked so hard in finding the perfect present shows his honest nature, which kids could learn from. He also has this innocence about him that's rare in fictional characters today. He's pure and he's perfect for children to have as a role model. The illustrations in this book are so colorful! They will draw in the child and keep them in this fantastical world for as long as their eyes are glued to the pages. But the thing that drives this story the most is the writing. Don Freeman was and forever will be an amazing children's author. He writes in a way that doesn't belittle the reader, no matter how young. He keeps his writing challenging enough to keep the interest of the child but not so difficult to make the child feel inadequate. I love the writing and it has got to be one of my favorite parts of reading these books. Go ahead and pick this one up for your child. You will not regret it. ^_^