A review by prdgreads
Lake Child by Isabel Ashdown


it took a few chapters to get into this book, the first few were a little confusing, but I stuck it out and honestly I'm glad I did, there is so much that is left open to the readers interpretation, why is she locked in the attic? - why are her parents being evasive whenever Eva asks questions? What's the real reason they don't even let her into her old room? Why are they keep her best friends away?
It's not until she manages to escape out of the attic that she understands the gravity of the secrets that are being kept from her.
With them still not knowing who or what caused Evas accident she's still on edge, and constantly feels like she's being watched, this book honestly had me on the edge of my seat, it made me feel anxious/scared along with the main character.
Just as you think you've worked out what's happening and where the story is headed another twist is thrown at you and I honestly felt myself getting tied up in knots along the way.
If you're a fan of this genre this is a book you absolutely have to pick up!