A review by theresab93
Dangerous Creatures by Kami Garcia


I was so excited to know that Link and Ridley were getting their own series. My two fav characters from the Caster Chronicles getting their own spin-off.

However Dangerous Creatures fell a bit flat. While I still enjoyed it, it didn't grab me as I hoped it would.

It felt rushed at some points with the last 50ish pages just eager to wrap it up.
I often got confused to whose perspective I was reading. While Ridley was the main perspective, often it took me a page or two to realise that the perspective had changed to Link or Lennox.
Characters relationships, particularly Ridley and Lennox, felt like it did a massive 180 in one paragraph that I'm still not sure entirely how it happened.

This spin-off is for the big fans of the Caster Chronicles, with many references to characters and plot points to the 4 books of the Caster Chronicles

But that ending though