A review by silverthane
Journey Into Space by Toby Litt


I love sci-fi but sadly this book didn’t make the grade. I have recently adopted the ‘Rule of 50’ if after 50 pages I am not enjoying the book I just put it down. It seems to be a good rule of thumb.

The idea of a spacecraft on a century-long voyage to colonise a distant world caught my imagination but once the characters were introduced I almost instantly lost interest. They are bland and quite irritating. The endless ‘Describe’ sessions between the two main characters really got on my nerves and were totally unnecessary to write about in such detail.

Call me a prude but I hate explicit language or sex scenes in novels unless the language is integral to the story or the sex scene is tastefully written. It seems tacky and unworthy of literature. The erotic segments in this book are vulgar and crass and totally out of place. I don’t expect to have to read the word c*** when referring to a 15 year old girl’s genitals! There are at least a dozen different words the author could have used which leaves me wondering what the hell he was thinking. Perhaps the author is just a vulgar person.

Thank goodness I didn’t buy this rubbish and borrowed it from a library instead.