A review by jarredactyl
Make Something Up: Stories You Can't Unread by Chuck Palahniuk


Ahhh, yes, another Palahniuk!

I don't know what it is about this guy, but I just can't seem to look away! It's like when you find yourself slowing down as you pass a car accident, craning your neck to catch a glimpse of tragedy. We are curious animals! A little tragedy helps put things in perspective.

Anyway, I enjoyed this collection as a whole, and as you would expect with a collection of short stories you are going to find ones you love, and ones that you hate. My absolute favorite of the lot was "Why Aardvark Never Landed on the Moon." It's a depressing, upsetting reminder of just how easily children can be influenced, so much so that they create their own path of self-destruction, wether or not they even realize it. I also really enjoyed "Red Sultan's Big Boy," "Zombies," "Tunnel of Love," and "Knock-Knock." There weren't many that I didn't like, it's just that some didn't stand out as much in comparison to the others. Chuck, thanks for always giving me a fresh, blood-stained perspective. I appreciate it.