A review by shelleyann01
The One Night Stand by Carissa Ann Lynch


This was a fast moving whodunit and I managed to read it in one sitting. It's not a long book by any means but packs a punch in it's mere 179 pages. It was a compelling story, with believable characters and credible events, it left me wanting more. I felt I'd come to know these fractured people, some sympathetic, some despicable. I wondered, what would I do, in a similar situation. I emphatically believe that I would have called 911, then again with so many distractions and so much to lose, maybe I too would panic.

And that's the point, we think we know who we are, including our neighbors; but do we really? And aren't we all, to some extent, co-dependent on the people in our lives. Really, we don't know what we'd do until it's presented to us, especially when we're young. The ending blew me away as I did not see that coming...that says a lot coming from me. Is the plot a little out there? YES! But in the most magnificent way possible. If you're going to break the plausibility barrier this is the way to do it!

Thank you NetGalley, Carissa Ann Lynch, HarperCollins UK and One More Chapter for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an impartial review; all opinions are my own.
