A review by pavi_fictionalworm
Epic Love by Trudy Stiles


The review was first posted on a For The Love of Fictional Worlds as part of the Release Tour <3

I had really high expectations from this book – especially considering the blurb – full of angst and definitely a second chance at romance that would give you all the feels. And it definitely delivered for the most part, but somehow the swinging end, came to be a little downer!

Heath Strickland, is the current iconic singer of the famous band, Epic Fail – he has had a good life; parents who loved him and a best friend whom he fell in love with. But it all went to hell, when his best friend/girlfriend turns up missing/presumed dead. He hasn’t actually moved on, but does what he can to survive his days and he doesn’t even know when he can move on!

Noelle Durrand, on the other hand, is the product of love. But losing her mother at a young age, ended up with her being in one of the worst kind of lives ever. Her father, though he loves her, isn’t really around much now and leaves her with her witch of a step-mother; a woman who not only is evil, she is also one villain, I just couldn’t stand.

The story of Noelle and Heath is told in two ways – the past and the present. It is the past that takes hold you by the throat and gives your heart all the pain and feels. It is the past where you end up getting to know Heath and Noelle, as friends and then when they fall in love!

A background of abuse, and a world of that was created showed how absolutely beautiful and amazing first loves can be, and the love story of Heath and Noelle was at its purest!

Now, my issue though was with their present – it took a phone call for everything to change for Heath and Noelle – but with all the secrets between them, how is THAT easy to fall back together? Even when they had their issues, I really do wish that they had taken a little more time to try and get to know each other as adults; their past and present properly. Don’t get me wrong, I am not doubting their love (you really can’t, if you have read their past!), but what I am is a little apprehensive about how easily they let go of their issues about their past – even if it was together, and not individually, I would have loved this one a whole lot more if there had been an effort to get an insight into their secrets and their past!

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