A review by bluenicorn
Not Funny Ha-Ha by Leah Hayes


It's rare that I come across a book where I think, "There is literally no other book like this out there," but this fits that bill. As the author states, it's not a book about right/wrong, should i/shouldn't i, but a book about the process after a woman has decided to have an abortion. The writing is free from judgment- I gave a little mental "Right on!" when she wrote that how her example women got pregnant or the situation that they were in was irrelevant. It simply contains the step-by-step process after "yes" has been decided upon. She provides insight about elements that aren't always mentioned- like going through security or the endless waiting in multiple areas. It's unfortunate that the hurdles, such as forced wait periods, age restrictions, lines of picketers, and other aspects that vary based on region and state, go unmentioned- but it's understandable, because that would be a different book. While the drawing style is not my favorite, due to it being so unique, I think it's a really important book to have in a library collection.