A review by hybum
Poet Anderson ...in Darkness, Volume 2 by Suzanne Young, Tom Delonge


This book was fast-paced and non-stop. Just... not in a good way.

Where the first world intrigued me with its world building and character and relationship development, this book moved so quickly from scene to scene and character to character that nothing ever really got a chance to develop. For such a short book (321 pages, but the pages are pretty small), a lot happens. I didn't really believe a lot of the character interactions because they happened too quickly to be believable.

I also found it confusing trying to keep track of all the fantasy elements, but that's also because I read the first book three years ago. It doesn't really re-explain the difference between poets and Dream Walkers, for example, and the series isn't popular enough for that information to be easily findable on the Internet, so brush up on your mythology before diving into this one.

Still, it's a fun story and an easy read. I enjoyed it, just not as much as the first one, which is one of my favourite books. Not Suzanne and Tom's best work, but I still love them.

Oh, also, why are there so many missing words? I'm an editor myself, so I understand a few mistakes here and there, but I found three on one page at one point. Proofreading is important before printing.