A review by tabman678
Batman: Detective Comics, Vol. 5: The Joker War by Eduardo Risso, Burnham Chris, Peter J. Tomasi, Brad Walker, Kenneth Rocafort, James Tynion IV, Mariko Tamaki

Solid volume with plenty of extras aside from the main Joker War lead up.

Tomasi writes the classic Batman you expect perfectly, reading his Batman is akin to putting on a favorite coat that never goes out of style.

As well as a platter of talented artists and inkers that make this a solid volume of Detective comics. A good Two face story that plays with all sorts of elements from the New 52 era, two tie in Joker stories that are a blast and self contained, a tribute to Alfred that's as good as it can be without a proper Dick Grayson, a really solid annual tale, and a charming one shot showing just how good the rogues gallery is.

For anyone looking for Batman comfort food among the constant main title shakeups this is it.