A review by inkandpages_
Know My Name by Chanel Miller


"We don't fight for our own happy endings. We fight to say you can't. We fight for accountability. We fight to establish precedent. We fight because we pray we'll be the last ones to feel this kind of pain."

Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE needs to read this memoir.

I remember when this hit the news, and I remember feeling incredibly angry. From someone who can sit here and say, "me too," I felt every emotion imaginable during this case. I remember reading Emily Doe's victim impact statement through blurry eyes, feeling so inspired and in awe of this person and her strength.

Chanel Miller's writing is absolutely beautiful. The way she details each moment, from waking up in the hospital to the sentencing, I felt like I was living through it with her. I annotated so many parts of this book, I went through an entire pile of post-it notes.

I hope that this memoir opens the eyes of so many people out there who still think there isn't anything wrong with our justice system, who still think "boys will be boys," who still say, "well, if she wasn't wearing that," or "she shouldn't have been drinking that much," who don't understand that just because she didn't verbally say "no" it doesn't mean "yes."

"When a woman is assaulted, one of the first questions people ask is, 'Did you say no?' This question assumes that the answer was always yes, and that it is her job to revoke the agreement. To defuse the bomb she was given. By why are they allowed to touch us until we physically fight them off? Why is the door open until we have to slam it shut?"