A review by bookshelfmonkey
Clash of the Sky Galleons by Paul Stewart, Chris Riddell


Despite the fact that I only started this series in December (2019), it feels really nostalgic, reminding me of the books that I really enjoyed when I was younger.

The pacing of these books has always felt a little slow but the plot as a whole was sound, building up to the ending, which was slightly anti-climactic. This was because two different issues had to wrapped up so the drama was spread between the two, resulting in neither being done justice.

I really feel remarkably neutral about the characters and would really appreciate more female characters who don't end up as love interests.

The concept and world-building that supports this series is simply wonderful, which is what contributes to the nostalgia. This is genuinely some of the most unique world-building that I've ever read, making the entire series feel fresh.

Overall, a good read, just needed more female characters and some tweaks to the plot.