A review by billsimoni
Bad Sports: How Owners Are Ruining the Games We Love by Dave Zirin


When I saw this on the shelf, I expected to love this book. The subject alone promises volumes worth of material. Instead it left me cold.

I'm on board with public financing of stadiums being a poor investment for taxpayers. But, to suggest that such financing should give the government the right to assert eminent domain against the teams when the owner wants to do something you don't like is preposterous.

Also, after decrying the evils of publicly-funded stadiums, he then proceeded to ensure you understood how miserable the experience is at the Redskins' FedEx Field. He fails to mention that stadium was financed by the owner. Can't have it both ways.

Overall, it's worth the read, but if you can't stand reading a very hard Left perspective on the topic, stay away.