A review by neilsarver
Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa


Upon realizing how far my dry streak in reading, during which I listened to a lot of wonderful music, had left me a long way short on my arbitrary Goodreads reading goal for the year, this would not have been a good choice to get me caught up.

As it happens, it was an amazing choice for what my needs from a book were. Mind you, I was disappointed going in to realize that the English translation was abridged, but I will admit that after completing it, I'm not sure I needed more. While I generally disagree with the running complaint that it's too long and meanders too much, it is not too short or in need of extra meandering, for my needs either.

Perhaps people looking for a different book than this is will find themselves disappointed. Those who are looking for the kind of book that inspired a manga called "[b:Vagabond|3175995|Vagabond, Vol. 1|Takehiko Inoue|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1388734973s/3175995.jpg|41780673]" might be the right people to be ready to follow along on the kind of journey this book has in store.