A review by berlinbibliophile
The Heiress: The Revelations of Anne de Bourgh by Molly Greeley


This book was absolutely great. I wish the end of the book had been longer, and Anne's struggle with withdrawal explored more, but overall this was a wonderful read. Anne has such a strong interiority and her supporting cast of both original charcters and ones from "Pride and Prejudice" are wonderfully drawn. It was interesting to see Lizzie and Darcy and Colonel Fitzwilliam, and especially Lady Catherine, from such a different perspective. Anne isn't treated that well by them in "Pride and Prejudice", so she has a much dimmer view of them that the reader, and yet they were true to the charcters in the original book.
The way Anne blossoms in London was so lovely to read and felt very real. Her anxieties about money, about being boring, about disobeying her mother, all felt very relatable and written so well. Her having to learn to trust that people are actually interested in her and that she has things to say was great.
So yeah, there were one or two things I quibbled with, but overwhelmingly I really loved the book and only wished that there was more of it.