A review by git_r_read
Arthur by Stephen R. Lawhead


I read this many years ago and it remains on my keeper shelf. I collect Arthurian legend books and this series is a superb addition. The beauty of legend stories like Arthur or Robin Hood or gods and goddesses, the writer can spin the tale in a new light while keeping the basic bones of the legend. Those bones that make me 'OH!' when that particular character or event appears amid the different telling. This whole series is like that. And the reader gets to meet Merlin's parents, get some background on Atlantis, see Merlin grow up, then meet Arthur.
Arthur is seen through others' eyes, his story is told by their voices. He's almost not in the book as much as you'd think but it's the baseline of all that is going on.
This is excellent and I can highly recommend the book, the series and the author.