A review by emjay24
Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma


This is a magical realism, a sort of horror book, set in a smallish town in New York about two sisters. There was a twilight zone episode back in time, which was also a short story, possibly by Robert Bloch or one of those guys (Ray bradbury? i just can't remember), about a boy who the family dotes on, but that's because he can control everyone, and everyone must please him. That is what this story reminded me of. The main girl's sister is so spooky... I can't talk too much about it because i don't want to give away the book, but it's overally creepy and spooky, with a twist ending. I really enjoyed it. If you're looking for a non-generic creepy thing to ready, or a story with lots of describing words, or just something magical, read this book.