A review by alexiachantel
Arcane Circle by Linda Robertson


The Persephone Alcmedi series keeps getting better and better with each book! Robertson has created characters that stay with you even after you have put the book down.

The witches want her out of the picture. They have some power behind them, enough to worry Seph and her grandma. Not to mention the two men in Seph’s life. She needs them both, yet circumstances have changed.

Menessos died at her hand, now he lives by her blood. Is this a step towards a deeper connection between Menessos and Seph? He sure hopes so. After all she knows his secrets and he sees in her someone he loves.

Johnny is the Domn Lup, or he will be confirmed king as soon as he gets the nod from the Romanian head honcho. There is much more to the shifters than we know, Robertson gives pieces of information here and there but you are left with the feeling that there is more. Seph makes promises and gives Johnny all she can. Is it enough to keep him in her life?

Arcane Circle is awesome! A great addition to the series, bring on book five!

*copy courtesy of publisher
Separate review posted at Reading Between the Wines: