A review by danperlman
something to food about: Exploring Creativity with Innovative Chefs by Ben Greenman, Kyoko Hamada, Questlove


Questlove is, I suppose, the artist formerly known as Ahmir Thompson, a musician (drummer), musical director and producer, with a passion not only for food, but for those who produce it. I stumbled across him via his Instagram feed, and got caught up in his quest for not only exploring food, but for exploring the world and the personalities of those who make it.

I’m going to say, it’s not an easy read. If you’re not in the music world, there are simply too many references and too much jargon that will send you searching on Google to just figure out what he’s talking about at times. At other times I felt like he was trying too hard to fit the pathway(s) that chefs take and interpret them in a way that would make sense in the music and art world. And while there is an art to cooking and creating food, there’s also a lot of science and logic that don’t necessarily translate to the musical genre, and I think he lost the plot at several points in the book. It’s a bit self-indulgent, but then, it’s his own personal quest, so, why not? It’s still an interesting read.