A review by bookish_ginger83
The Dazzling Darkness by Paula Cappa


I have long since been a lover of words. When they are strung together so beautifully it makes me practically swoon. The writing style in the Dazzling Darkness grabbed me and pulled me in from the start. I also love cemeteries so that helped keep my interest. Being a mom, I could understand the frantic feeling and the just horror of my son being missing. I felt for the parents.

I also felt sympathy for Elias aka Old Saturn. I never thought he was “bad” just misunderstood (something I also identify with). This was an edge of your seat, I need answers, oh ghosts and secrets, wild ride that I really enjoyed! I love when an author can blend genres so elegantly as Paula Cappa has done. She also leaves all ends tied up nicely in a bow for us which is appreciated.