A review by terhangus
The Sorrow Proper by Lindsey Drager


Grief without an axis, Harriet says. That's the worst kind.

the juxtaposition between the closing of the library and the romance unfolding here was really beautiful and this is the kind of romance i imagine im in tbh... quiet and soft. i loved the deaf mathematician, she was an amazing character and though i truly love the quartet of librarians (though harriet is my SWEET) and the photographer, damn, i really fell in love w/ her, her thoughts and ideas and who she is.

even tho this book is non-linear u sometimes get that moment where it all clicks and you're just mouthing to yourself "oh. oh"

honestly my only kinda grip is how pretentious the photographer is in his last exhibition we see lol like
Spoilerhe's not even that deep when she dies in that branch of many-worlds damnt

also there are veryveryvery important pages on the deafness/hard of hearing issue that will make u smile a lil because of how true it is and how candid the deaf mathematician is about it. my one true bae
Describe to me silence, he asks.

She pulls the cigarette out of his mouth and helps herself a drag before grinding it into the tray. Then she says, I don't know what that is.