A review by kortnireads
The Eyes Are the Best Part by Monika Kim


As soon as I read the premise of this book, I knew I needed to read it ASAP: A female serial killer psychological horror....with eye imagery?? 

I have always loved anything to do with eyes and eye imagery, and this book really delivered with that. I actually hated the way eating an eye was described (hated...in a positive way). And all the other weird eye imagery was great for me. One of my complaints with this book is how surface level/spelled out for the reader some of the commentary feels, but I will say the male gaze/perception of woman and in particular, Asian women, by white men, was very well done through the abstract eye imagery. I just wish a more sparing approach was used throughout the book in that regard. 

I think I am landing somewhere between a 3.5 and 3.75 on this one, but I will round up to a 4, since a 3 just feels too low. This is one that reads incredibly quickly, has plenty of horror (both real and psychological), and feels like a fresh take on serial killer horror. I would recommend this one!