A review by antlersantlers
Ōoku: The Inner Chambers, Volume 1 by Fumi Yoshinaga


While this had an interesting premise, I kept finding myself disppointed with the execution. Even with the male population reduced by 70%, nothing was really different besides having a female shogun. So much of the patriarchal structures are still so dominant, and I have a hard time believing that after 80 years of decreasing male population and female ascendancy things would be so much the same.

I did, however, laugh hysterically when a character said, "Get thee to the dojo." Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

I also think the story and character development were really ill-served by the format. It's an interesting and thought-provoking story and every time there was a spelled-out-sound effect it really took me out of the story. I also think it's weird that the character ostensibly introduced as a protagonist is gone 3/4 of the way through. For all the thoughtful detail that was put into the alternate-past, there seems to be a lack of that same thougth put into the characters/the plot.

But since it's short enough I'm still going to read the second one.