A review by izbrews
The Believers by Zoë Heller


And here I was thinking that [a:Nick Hornby|2929|Nick Hornby|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1254337802p2/2929.jpg] should take the prize for writing the most annoying, unlikeable characters ever, but [b:The Believers|1738972|The Believers|Zoë Heller|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51i-yHRnsCL._SL75_.jpg|6421923] seriously takes the cake. Audrey is possibly the most unpleasant female character I have ever found in a book. The others are only passable because they are not as odious as her. I didn't really get the point of the book because I kept thinking how irritating she was. I only realized the book was over because I turned the page and the rest was blank.