A review by lattelibrarian
How to Give Up Plastic: A Guide to Changing the World, One Plastic Bottle at a Time by Will McCallum


Probably one of my favorite things about this book is that McCallum knows that big companies will do whatever they can to do things cheaply and quickly--and therefore, we as individuals must take action, both with our votes, time, and money, as well as with our own personal actions.  For instance, reach out to companies that produce a lot of plastic--but also try to switch to homemade, eco-friendly cleaning supplies.

McCallum knows what he's talking about, and he has his credentials to prove it.  Not only that, but he reaches out to other activists (including Bonnie Wright!) to figure out how they think we all can best help our planet--after all, there's power in numbers, and there's always something else we can be doing. 

What I really appreciate about this text is the fact that it offers plenty of recipes and alternatives.  Take for instance, how to make your own toothpaste from scratch, or the fact that many eco-friendly toothbrushes are made with pig bristles, but there are vegan alternatives out there using bamboo fibers.  He makes finding this information so incredibly easier, and his arguments make the decision to switch much more readily available.  

I'll definitely be taking to heart some of his suggestions (I've already emailed Johnson & Johnson!), and I can't wait to run out of my own toothpaste so that I can try his recipe!  This is a great resource, and perfect for the person who has already done a lot of light internet research and is ready for the next step.

Review cross-listed here!