A review by crimyami
Gray Wolf Mate by Dianna Love


Gray wolf Mate by Dianna Love, First book in League of Gallize, narrated by Stephen R. Thorne.

Stephen Thorne does a wonderful job at telling the story that Dianna Love has written. The perfect tones for Cole and the others in the group as he brings the story to life for all of us to enjoy. I'm very pleased with his voice and reading skills.

This story is about shifters, but their not normal shifters, their Gallize, and they seem to be a bit more special than what we're use too in books. This story takes us to where shifters have been outed to normal humans, and now the world for shifters hiding in the dark is no longer possible. The government has a special unit that solves paranormal crimes, and Tess, Coles true love is in that unit.

Cole is a wolf shifter, a gallize one at that. When trouble comes, he figures he needs to protect the woman that he loves, and leave her again. Things just aren't that simple for Cole though because his wolf doesn't want to leave Tess. Cole is a different type of character, trying to be in a pack but having a lone wolf complexity acting like it's fine if he does things as long as others are safe. He gets put into a sticky situation with Tess and have to work with her, and the hurt he caused her in order to try and save everyone.

Tess isn't a bend the knee type woman. She does seethe over things that happen even she is angry about them. She's worked hard to get where she is and trying to figure out the shifter pack who killed her mother. When she runs into Cole again, the evidence says one thing but her heart says another. Trusting him will take time, trying to go through the hurt that she was put through by Cole and the misinformation to show he is innocent is another thing. She's got her hands full especially with the political side of things trying to go into play.

All in all this book is wonderful, and fun to listen too. Dianna Love writes it beautiful as everything flows nicely and smoothly together. There's not a lot of hiccups and things are kept secret and start to show more as we see more of the world Dianna has made and is sharing with us in the Gallize series.