A review by ljwrites85
The Scent of Guilt by Tony J. Forder


This is the second in the Bliss and Chandler series, but can easily be read as a stand alone without missing much, although I would recommend reading the first Bad To The Bone too, just because it is such a good book.

This book is set twelve years after the first, with DI Bliss accepting a job back in Peterborough. He is thrown in the deep end with a triple murder case, much to his superior’s annoyance. His former partner, Penny Chandler has been promoted to DS and is working down in London for the sexual crimes division. She’s sent back to Peterborough to investigate a series of rapes but she notices the timing of the cases seems to link with Bliss’s case. Are they connected?

It is nice to be reading another book by Tony J Forder, I’ve read a couple by him now and he doesn’t disappoint! It's another engrossing police procedural that builds to a heart pounding ending.

Now a little warning, this book takes on the particularly difficult subject of rape, but I feel the author and handles it with care and consideration which I appreciate.

Even though twelve year have passed Bliss still has the same issue with authority and ability to beat himself up for things he can’t control. Chandler is still hard working, intelligent officer from the first book and the only person who can make Bliss see sense (most of the time anyway). I love the two them working together, and I don’t know whether it’s just me but I think they’d make a good couple too.

My only issue is the fact they go to America. Yes, LA was a nice change from Peterborough but in the age of a cash strapped police force, it seems a bit unbelievable that they would send two officers in the middle of a serious investigation to the US. I mean couldn’t they have posted the files over? Did an interview via Skype? Although that probably would have been a lot less interesting.

Overall a fantastic read and I’ve heard there may even be a third in the pipeline, I hope so!