A review by bibliocyclist
The Uncyclopedia by Gideon Haigh


Some American associations:

Benevolent and Loyal Order of Pessimists. Founded 1975. Purpose: Why bother stating it? Meets annually on April 15, the anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. President recently quoted as saying: "I'm pessimistic about doomsday." Abbreviation: BLOOP. Motto: "No matter what it is, don't count on it."

Procrastinators' Club of America. Founded 1956. Purpose: Still seeking to elect first president. Made protest against War of 1812 in 1967. Abbreviation: Undecided. Motto: "We're behind you all the way."

Roman exclamations:

Quaevis numina! By whatever Gods you please! (a favorite of Ovid's)

Latin palindromes:

Si bene te tua laus taxat sua laute tenebis. If you are considered praiseworthy, you, elegant man, will keep your own property.