A review by jacki_f
Dear Reader: The Comfort and Joy of Books by Cathy Rentzenbrink


Cathy Rentzenbrick wrote the amazing memoir [b:The Last Act of Love|25345142|The Last Act of Love|Cathy Rentzenbrink|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1428830346l/25345142._SY75_.jpg|45084168] about her brother Matty. This is another memoir but it's about her life and her obsession with books. While her family and Matty are part of the story they are not at all the focus. Instead Rentzenbrick talks about her lifelong love of reading alongside her childhood, career and mental health struggles.

Each chapter ends with a description of the books that spoke to her at that time, grouped around themes (novels set in pubs, about love, parenting, favourite series etc). Most are written by English or American writers and only a small proportion of the authors are not white. Nevertheless there is a wide range of fiction and non-fiction, high brow and low brow, classic and modern books.

Rentzenbrick writes as if she's talking to a friend. I enjoyed her life story and I loved the book recommendations which were the perfect blend of "oh yes! I loved that too" and "don't know that one, must make a note of it".