A review by fangirlishwandering
Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas


Well... just finished this boy.
Each book manages to surprise me more and more? How the heck is this even possible, there are 8 books in this series!

I’ve been seeing some comments I get from you and from people posting about it- a lot of people are afraid to start this series because these are huge books and there are a LOT of them. Also- cringey covers. Very scary.

There’s not much I can say to review this book without spoiling so I’m going to dedicate this post to explain why I think you shouldn’t be afraid of that.

• These books have been addicting as hell for me. Even when I’m super sleepy, I just want to read for a bit because I can’t stop thinking about it. I’ve already read 4 books, I’ve been living in this world for months now. I’M GETTING ATTACHED AND THAT’S SCARING ME.

• From this series you can get a lot of action, violence, romance, ANGST and happy fluffy moments. It’s a bit of everything, such a good balance that never gets me tired of a character. And lots lots of “feels”!! I guess this is what I love most about SJM’s writing.

• The plot line. This is some complex and detailed plot line, each book you learn more about the past, find out about betrayals, new relationships and new characters. Seeing THEIR DEVELOPMENT gives me such pleasure, the characters could be my children, istg. It keeps evolving, no plot holes (that I’ve found), and definitely leaving me intrigued for how well this is going to end (yes it needs to have a happy ending or else I’m suing).

Anyways. Please read it. I hear the next books are going to be even 82929x better. (I am not ready)