A review by azrah786
Liquid Crystal Nightingale by Eeleen Lee


**I was gifted a copy by Rebellion Publishing in exchange for an honest review**

Liquid Crystal Nightingale takes place in a future space colony that orbits a distant star. The story centres on a young woman whose life is surrounded by tragedy and is much more influenced by the machinations of the government and aristocracy that she lives amongst than she thinks.

It's a space opera/murder mystery mashup however, the latter part is less of the "who dunnit?" type and more of a "wtf is going on and why?!¿" type mystery.
I thoroughly enjoyed it although I will admit that I found myself confused at times, particularly towards the beginning with the time lines as the narrative includes a fair few flashbacks. That being said, I was hooked until the end.

The political intrigue is great, the characters are compelling with their convoluted relationships and backstories - I enjoyed Pleo's and Investigator Dumortier's chapters the most. However, it was the meticulously developed world and the writing when it came to describing the settings which captured my interest the most. A particular passage that I loved was how the overall colony is described to look like a blinking eye from space due to the synchronisation of the daily routines of the various settlements.

If Lee ever decided to revisit this world and its characters I'd definitely be down for it!!
Final Rating - 3.5/5 Stars