A review by mslizalou
A Fighting Chance by Shannon Stacey


Review copy provided by publisher through NetGalley

A Fighting Chance is a novella length story from author Shannon Stacey, so it was a really fast-paced story. I love the second chance/reunion troupe, so A Fighting Chance was right up my alley.

Adeline (Del) and Brendan had broken up 6 years ago and hadn’t seen each other since their break up. As Brendan broke up with Del, I have to say I found myself laughing out loud when Del sees Brendan’s MMA fight picture for the first time and she flip the picture off. It was the perfect reaction to seeing your ex’s picture.

As both Del and Brendan were both still wildly attracted to one another, and not in another relationship, I knew it wouldn’t be long before they acted on their attraction. I felt like Del wanting one more night with Brendan totally fit her personality and her need for closure to their relationship. I actually wanted them to find a way to make a relationship work. They had great chemistry and once they started talking about what had happened in the past, I felt like pretty much started over.

I loved that Del made time for Brendan, even though she was there for a girl’s weekend. She didn’t let him interrupt her time with her friends, but he still stayed the whole time just in case she had a free minute. I absolutely adored their sexy text messages and he would find her just for a kiss. I even loved that Del confronted her dad for his talk with Brendan all those years ago and had no problems telling him about her real feelings for Brendan back then and the fact she still had real feelings for him now.

A Fighting Chance was a fun and sexy reunion story. It was a really fast read for me and even being a novella length book, it was a very satisfying story.