A review by notteaurora
Hers by Dawn Robertson


Lately it’s like every other book I read is getting a low star review. I figure it’s because I have been reviewing a lot of first time authors lately who are still trying to find their voice. I was planning to review Hers by Dawn Robertson as a first time author and give her the same benefit I give all my first time authors, a little leeway. That was until I got halfway through and realize that I had heard this voice before.

I am not here trying to warn you about plagiarism, from what I can tell this is an original piece of fiction, be it a poorly written one. I’m talking about the fact that I have read and been disappointed by this writer before. I say writer now, because honestly an author has to tell a story and this wasn’t a story, this was a poorly put together, shabbily edited group of sentences strung together. I work hard for my money and you should work hard writing if you expect me to pay for your work. So you can understand why I was upset to learn that this writer is parading herself around to be new to the scene misrepresenting herself as someone you’ve never read before. Well, I have read her, and been let down by her both times. If I had seen this book on Amazon and it had the correct author attached to it I wouldn’t have bought it, but I was swindled!

This book fails in my eyes where all of the writer’s books fail. Consistency, plain and simple. Right in the beginning Seven talks about how deep her and Daniel’s love is and how perfect they are together. Three paragraphs later they break up and she jumps both feet into the deep end of the psycho pool. The break up would be a great catalyst for the rest of the story and how Seven became a Dom. Real people don’t react like that from one extreme to the other and if they do they need to be medicated. Once again though this writer falls short of the mark by hinting at back-story that is never discussed, I shouldn’t be surprised this is the third time this writer has taken a potentially awesome characters, an interesting plot line and some substance to the story and sh*t the bed with them.

Unfortunately the only thing that might be considered endearing, real or promising was the sex scenes and even they fall short. Have read amazing erotica with plot, and that is where this writer loses me, eventually I like a little bit of story with my sex but it felt like she was hoping that the steamy parts would mask the fact that there is no real book here.

If you are like me and trying to avoid Danielle Elwood and the disappointment she brings you should probably steer clear of “Dawn Robertson”. I have no problem with pen names. I have a huge problem with indie authors who start under a new pen name to get away from their own bad press but don’t actually do anything to better their writing so we the poor unsuspecting readers get swindled out of our hard earned money thinking we are reading someone new. There is nothing new to review here other then the names being hanged. Same ball dropped on the plot, character development and editing skills we’ve come to expect from Danielle.