A review by literally_laura
Cape Town to Kruger: Backpacker Travels in South Africa and Swaziland by John Dwyer


I can't decide what this book was trying to be- a travel guide, a history lesson, or a journal. I'm going to go with D) All of the Above. The author shares SOME of the names of the hostels he stayed in, parks he visited, tour guides he traveled with, and restaurants he ate at to make it part travel guide, but he does not share them all. He includes the history and facts of many places he traveled. That was probably my favorite part. Typically white American, I'm woefully ignorant of the finer points of... Well, anything African really. Now, however, I find myself fascinated and wanting to know more. He also shared enough personal details- pot he smoked, women he listed after, etc- to make this part journal. In the end, while I didn't dislike this book exactly I think it would've been better served to have chosen ONE thing to be well instead of trying to be a little of everything. 3 stars.