A review by legalhutch
Daydream by Hannah Grace


This was a stellar read. Maybe that has a lot to do with the fact that I related heavily to the FMC and MMC, I don't know. When Halle spoke of being the eldest daughter and the parentification that often comes with that title, I knew it was going to be a good one for me. It was so relatable to how I lived far too much of my life before I set boundaries, and I love to see that in this book. Especially since she gets her moment of unhinged truth, the one all of us eldest daughters crave. Every single time Henry explained something about himself or the ways in which he operates, I felt seen. The procrastination, the inability to keep routine, the downward spiral...it's all me. It was great to see 2 characters, that felt real, be able to make it through with the grace and understanding that they did.

The spice was way lighter than I was expecting. I didn't mind it though. I was so enthralled in their friendship and its evolution that I wasn't concerned that we didn't have Icebreaker level explicit content. It wasn't the most important thing in the book and I feel like that was the right choice. Especially, given her history and reservations around intimacy. If it had been overtly sexual, it wouldn't have aligned with the plot.

Amazing job, Hannah!