A review by kate_and_books
One Good Man by Emma Scott


“How hard is it…to love so much? Like reaching through a fire….to pull the treasure from the flames.”

Perfect in nearly every way.

Janey a journalism student wants to make a difference and is willing to take those risks. Her father not so much-After getting too close to the Vietnam protests in California she is sent off to Paris by her father to keep her safe.

Adrien football player extraordinaire and medical student is an up and coming star in the French football league. He is torn between doing what his heart wants and what is right for his family. Being someone he isn’t is weighing heavily on him. That is until he meets Janey.

I loved the idea of Janey interviewing a footballer and that she has no idea about footie. But if she had said soccer one more time I would have dived into the book and strangled her. But the portraying of preconceived notions is spot on. As a female journalist in male dominated world she doesn’t want to write fluff pieces or be hit on she wants to be taken seriously. So she isn’t impressed with her story she has to write about Adrien but sometimes the small stories that are told are bigger than we think.

I liked both main characters and the chemistry they have with one another.

Once again Ms. Scott’s writing is flawless. She grips you with the emotions that she wants you to convey. It is a bit slow for my liking in the pace department that is slow build and burn romance with these two which is very sweet. Heat level is low and there is no angst here at all.

Though another winner by Ms. Scott it fell short for me as I wanted more of Janey & Adrien. I needed an extended epilogue although we get a five year later it was just too short and didn’t appease my thirst for more. Although romance in a different era also really isn’t my thing I really enjoyed this one.


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