A review by allisonseverson
An Everlasting Meal: Cooking with Economy and Grace by Tamar Adler


This is a book I'd like to buy and keep in my kitchen. It's not a cookbook, but a book that offers ideas on ways to stretch a meal. For example, the benefits of buying chicken whole rather than in boneless, skinless breasts. There's a whole chapter on eggs, and I had many new ideas after reading that chapter. There is also a bit about buying the inexpensive cuts of meat-- a roast rather than steak, for example.

The strategies and methods Adler uses in her cooking would be easier to replicate if you were home all day, or at least had several hours to devote to feeding your family. But, I'm still glad I read the book, and much of it can be used even if you aren't home all day.

I skipped some of the chapters, and that's easy enough to do. You won't be confused in chapter eight if you skipped seven.

It's a great book for someone who loves to cook and who is also trying to reduce waste and save money!